Mon, 25 February 2008
Hello everyone - We're back with another packed episode. Today's show has Doug Barnes, Brent Young, and Robert Coker of in the discussion room. We talk websites, Universal/Hasbro, Dream Parks, and More! Doug also rants on Nick Jr. Check out the website Leave Voicemail: 916-248-5524 email- Thank you to everyone!! You are the reason this show continues. : ) "The International Authority on Everything Theme Park Related. Join a Cast of Experts and Fans Every Week On an Informative Immersive Experience into the World of Rides, Attractions and Parks."
Tue, 19 February 2008
Hello Everyone, Sorry for the Delay. This week's show is an outstanding one! Ryan Harmon (Principal & Creative Director of Zeitgeist - also Former Disney Imagineer and more!) joins Doug and Brent in the SP Discussion Room. We talk a lot of Disney and the Future of Disney Attractions. Check out the website to get the latest info on the show and the Amusement Industry. Contact us: Hotline: 916-248-5524 email: Thanx to all for listening - you are the heartbeat of this Podcast. |
Mon, 11 February 2008
Everyone check out the newly updated website! Tell us what you think! Big question for the audience... "Do You Want the Season Pass Forum?" Ponder that in your noggin. Today's show: Lots of Disney- Mania, Stock, and American Idol. We also get a glimpse at the VES and TEA. Doug also gives his opinion on forum boards (don't let it affect you though : ). Contact us: 916-248-5524 Take Care and enjoy Peeps!
Tue, 5 February 2008
Good Day Everyone. Today's show brings back a classic Theme Park Anthem and the return of the Pass Holder Opinion. Brent and Doug return to the Discussion room with Sports Adventure, Six Flags Media Campaign, Nick and SEGA. Contact us by the Hotline - 916-248-5524 Email: - Host - Host - Host Thank You Again for Listening and Enjoy!